Last year there was a teenage girl named Alice. She was different from the other girls in her school, for she had a pair of white cat ears and a huge white fluffy tail. Despite her unique appearance, Alice was just like any other teenager, with a heart full of dreams and hopes and a mind full of dirty thoughts.
One of her biggest dreams was to be fucked by a boy named Jack. He was the most popular guy in school, and Alice had been secretly in love with him for as long as she could remember. Every day, Jack would walk past her in the halls, but he never once acknowledged her existence. Not even in her push up bra!
Alice couldn’t take it anymore. She knew she had to do something to catch Jack’s attention. She decided to ask him for his discord, hoping that they could talk more and maybe get to know each other better. Jack surprisingly gave it to her, and Alice was over the moon with excitement, the thought of possibly riding Jack’s cock. She couldn’t believe her luck.
All night, she stayed up working on the perfect video to send to Jack. She wanted to show him what he was missing by not paying attention to her. So, she pretended her stuffed teddy was Jack, giving it tight hugs, grinding her hips so her pussy would slide up and down against its leg. She even moved on the beat to her favorite song. She sent the video to Jack and waited anxiously for his response.
To her surprise, Jack loved the video, saving it instantly. He told her that he had never noticed her before, but her unique body and thrusting hips caught his attention. They started talking more and eventually became fuck buddies. Alice was finally living her dream, and it was all because she had the courage to take a chance.
From that day on, Jack and Alice were inseparable. She was the perfect slut for him, and everyone in school couldn’t help but notice their suspicious activities during class. Alice’s unique appearance had become her most striking feature, and Jack couldn’t get enough of it. It just goes to show that sometimes, lust can come from the most unexpected places.